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Betting Bank and Bankroll Management

To make money gambling you need to be placing bets that have a higher probability of success than the odds at which you back them at. Over time good luck and bad luck will even itself out and it will be the sum of these probabilities that decide your fate. If you do indeed have an edge in the bets you place, you should win money. I use the word should instead of will for a simple reason. It is possible to have an edge on every bet you place but still lose money. Sounds implausible? Bear with me and I'll explain.

Let's say your Betting Bank is €1,000. Your kind bookmaker offers you 2.05 on heads in a coin toss. This offer is available for 50,000 coin flips, but you can only use your original bank, and if you lose it, you're done. How much should you bet? You edge is not huge, but is very real, and with proper Bankroll Management should result in huge profits after the 50,000 flips.

I set up a Monte Carlo spreadsheet to investigate. Excel has a random number generator which I use to simulate the toss of a coin. I enter the probability of success of 50% and the odds I'm getting of 2.05 and it will generate a 1 for heads and 0 for tails. I also enter my betting bank as €1000 and the percentage of my bank that I wish to stake on each bet.

First off I enter to return 10% of my betting bank on each bet. With my bank at €1000 and my odds 2.05 this would mean a stake of €48.78 on the first bet (I'm staking to return €100 which is 10% of my bank). My stake is thus only 4.87% of my bank which might seem reasonably small considering I have a 50% chance of success. I graph the results after each 1000 bets. In this run my bank increased to €209,995 after 37,000 flips. You would therefore presume that betting to return 10% of your bank is the way to go. Alas a big down swing happens soon after and my bank hit a low of just €46 after 48,000 bets. It recovered slightly to €290 after the 50,000 coin tosses.

I hit refresh to produce another set of random numbers and this time my betting bank peaked at €5,200 after 2,000 bets but went downhill and was just €1.18 after 50,000 bets. Both times the overall strike rate ended within 0.1% of the expected 50% which should ensure a profit as getting odds of 2.05 I only need a 48.78% strike rate with level stakes to break even. I ran it a few more times and each time I ended up with less than my starting bank after 50,000 bets. The reason for the massive fluctuations in the bank is that I was staking to high a percentage on each bet so the inevitable bad run will decimate my bank, regardless of the fact I had an overall edge on the bets. In the first run everything went smoothly for 37,000 bets which would lead most to believe their method was a safe one. When things are going so well it's hard to believe a down swing could be so bad to bust you, especially with such a big sample size. This example shows that having a profitable angle isn't enough if your bankroll management is bad.

Kelly Staking, which I talk about in my article about staking plans, would suggest staking 2.38% of my bank, which would be equivalent to staking to return 4.879% (2.38*2.05) of my bank. I ran this simulation 10 times, and the worst end result was a bank of €160,000. Clearly this is a much better way to go, but as noted in my staking plans article, it's not so simple in real life. Kelly Staking is optimal if you know the true odds of each bet. This of course is normally impossible, as in most cases you can only make an estimate, and I believe its human nature to overestimate our edge in most things. Unless you have access to valuable information the market hasn't accounted for, I would suggest you will at best be only as good as the market.

For instance if a horse is 2.0 on Betfair just before the off and you rate it a 1.8 shot. This means you think it has a 55.55% chance of winning and the market thinks it has a 50% chance. If you're pretty good the true price is probably more like 1.9 or a 52.63% chance. In my daily betting I find that the best I can hope for is that the true probability is the midpoint of my estimate and the estimate of the market. It is vital to keep this in mind when coming up with your staking plan.

Rather than just using the midpoint of your price and the markets, an analysis of your past results should show you what your real edge is on certain bet types, and providing the sample size is sufficient this would be a good figure to use. Bear in mind past success doesn't guarantee the future will be the same, so be cautious with this method too.

In the above example, using Kelly staking and working on the presumption that your probability is correct, you would be staking to return 22.2% of your bank. If your right and the bet wins 55.55% of the time your profits will go off the scale, if however you only get the 52.63% strike rate I suggested, your in big trouble and will go bust every time. This is despite the fact you clearly have an edge on the market, the problem is, you overestimated it.

These are all examples of cases where having an edge is not enough to guarantee a profit. If your stakes are too high your bank will fluctuate wildly and the inevitable bad run, when it comes, will undo all your hard work and your profits. That is not to say you should be ultra conservative, gambling at all is probably not for you if you're unwilling to take some risks. Your risks should be calculated though, and it's vital to understand that a long term successful strategy will have many periods of short to medium term loses. It is important that your betting bank can withstand these bad periods.

To show you what types of losing runs you can expect I again set up a Monte Carlo simulation in excel. A probability of 50% will result in a strike rate of 40% or less over a 100 bets about 3% of the time. This means before every bet you place where your long term strike rate is 50% there is a 3% chance that over the next 100 bets you will have 40 winners or less.

A 10% strike rate which is 9/1 true odds will result in getting only 1 winner out of a 100 bets about 0.05% of the time. This might seem very rare, and it is, but over the course of 5000 bets on horses who have a true chance of 9/1, you will get a period of 100 bets with only 1 winner about 12% of the time. Again when it happens, and eventually it will, you need to ensure your bank can withstand it. You also need to ensure your Betting Discipline is such that you keep a cool head and don't do anything stupid.

When deciding how much of your bank to stake on a bet, the probability of success, and thus the size of your edge are vital components. Overestimate your edge, and it could turn an otherwise profitable system into a loss making one. I suggest using Kelly Staking as a starting point, but leave your ego out of it when estimating your edge. If the market price is 9.0 and you think it should be 7.0, maybe use 8.0 as its true price when working out your edge. Your estimate of a probability, no matter how good you are, is still just your opinion; the market price is the combined opinion of thousands!

I write for a website called Learn Bet Win which is dedicated to educating punters in their quest to become a successful punter. I've also launched a 2013 Cheltenham Festival website, so please visit for all your Cheltenham Tips. My World Hurdle preview is the latest in a series of Ante Post Previews.

The Evolution of Gambling

Gambling is one of the human race's favorite vices, the perfect way to fly in the face of the moral majority while walking the tightrope of rags to riches at the same time. Like all good vices, it has existed since the dawn of time, or at least since homo lazy us thought of a way to participate in games without actually playing. Inevitably, betting 4 chickens on how many rocks it would take to finish off a shoplifter at the local stoning grew into a worldwide money-spinner with grand casinos and million dollar bookmaking businesses raking it in across the globe. Equally inevitable was that industry getting swallowed whole by the Internet, just barely recognizable by family and close friends.

Betting culture kicked off unluckily and, like pretty much everything else you could think of, in Ancient China. The fact that it predates legal tender suggests what we've all been thinking; that money was invented solely to stop early gamblers putting their wives up as a stake. Since the beginning, wagering on games of chance has been a moral black spot and nearly every religious text has an ambiguous passage the good and evil of baccarat in there somewhere. The US have a well-publicized love/hate relationship with the pastime, giving rise to hotbeds of 'slot tourism' like Las Vegas while next door in Utah your Average Joe can't even bet on an NFL game.

Fast forward to Q1 of the 21st century, gambling industry is growing into something bigger than any of those Ancient Chinese philosophers could have imagined. Online poker turned what was a sexist, elitist posing competition causing drunken arguments at kitchen tables across the English-speaking world into an inclusive and civilized pastime for those quiet nights in at home. You can even make an honest living from it if you're prepared to stay up all night living purely on coffee and take away pizza. Better yet, our streets are free of old ladies as they swap the bingo halls for web sites, leaving our towns bereft from the screeching cackle of the elderly.

Sports betting has been a huge institution in Great Britain since records began, with none of the same restrictions as experienced in the USA, but betting on 'soccer' doesn't have great appeal to Americans. Since the move to online has happened, global betting habits are converging and commercial gambling on sports like American football is finally getting the attention it deserves. There is nothing more satisfying than putting your short-term financial future in the hands of a man who could eat your weight in chocolate pudding, unless they introduce the aforementioned event in the 2016 Olympics.

As well as a new level of variety, online gaming is a much safer prospect than the bookmakers of the past; no longer will we have to scour dank alleys to put USD 50 on the spread, or have to use the words "PLEASE DON'T BREAK MY LEGS, I HAVE KIDS TO FEED" again. The majority of sites are fully licensed, accepting all types of legitimate online payment and most importantly you don't have to leave the warm fuzzy glow of your computer screen. Although I prefer my living room, some purists may want to take their laptop or tablet down a questionable back street or get their spouse to hang them off a tenth floor balcony demanding payment.

The history of gambling has been long and colorful, fraught with glory and misery in equal measure, but not since the first brick on the Las Vegas strip was laid has there been such a significant development as online betting. With more bookmakers to choose from, amazing innovations like betting in play and competitive deals like free stake money on sign-up there has never been a better era for the humble gambler than now. Good luck to all of you and remember, the house always wins but unlike the house, you might just get laid too!

Alex H. is a sports blogger who loves writing about betting and gambling tips over various blogs. Read his latest article about bet on an NFL game which is published on a famous sports blog.

Tips for Earning Money Through Free Poker Tournaments

Free poker has become very popular over the years. While some people play it for fun, others are using it to make money. Today, there are thousands of people who are spending several hours on the internet as they play this game. However, to get maximum entertainment while benefiting financially from participating in this game it is imperative that you know how to play it.

How to earn from free poker?
Although some people call it free poker money, it is not entirely free. This is because there is the risk involved and you also have to invest your time before getting tangible financial gains. Nevertheless, you can succeed if you follow the following tips:

• Choose the best website: There are many websites that offer this game freely. However, not all sites are reliable and the best. As such, you need to do your research and find out which website is the best. This will enable you to benefit financially when you play at the site you choose while having fun at the same time.

• Sharpen your gaming skills: You need to know how to play smart to win free tournaments. You cannot be awarded financially unless you win in the tournaments that you choose to participate in. For you to win, you must know strategies and tactics that are used by professional gamers. Therefore, start sharpening your gaming skills at your local tavern or bar. By participating at such tournaments you will be able to win when you go to participate in the international tournaments.

• Join a team of players: Winning in this game requires persistent practicing. You have to spend time with other players learning from them. This will equip you with essential skills that will enable you to conquer international players when playing free poker money tournaments. Therefore, get together as a group and start playing in local tournaments. This way, you will gain essential skills to enable you win when you start playing for money.

• Know the right time to play: Different websites that let gamers enjoy playing this game freely have specific times when they award winners great prizes. Take time to do your research so that you can know such times in order to participate in tournaments that will give you more prizes.

Basically, succeeding in free poker tournaments requires one to spend some time practicing before enrolling for them. This is because one must have skills that will enable them to compete favorably with other players who also want to gain financially through free poker money tournaments.

Social Slots Mark a New Online Gambling Trend

Smartphones, tablet computers and social networks have forever changed the face of the gaming market. Originally, social gaming was thought to be a passing fad, but it seems that it is here to stay. The market has become so popular and profitable that even online casino developers have decided to try their hand at creating social games that will appeal to a new audience of gamers.

Zynga was one of the first developers to make the connection between social gaming and casino gambling. One of its first releases was Zynga Poker, an online poker application that operated like any other poker room - with the addition of social gaming features. Players were able to share their progress with friends and level up to trigger unique features. The success of Zynga Poker started the social gambling trend.

Soon, Zynga decided to launch other social casino applications, and it wasn't long before Zynga Slots was available on the Facebook App market. This application offers player free-play slots games, with plenty of 'unlockable' features and shareable content. It led to the development of Zynga Elite Slots, which brings a new meaning to the term 'social gaming' by allowing players to work together to complete levels and win slots jackpots.

For quite some time, Zynga had a monopoly on the social casino market, but it wasn't long before other developers started to get involved. Double Down Interactive launched the wildly popular Double Down Casino application, which was quickly snatched up by online gambling developer IGT (International Game Technology). IGT was one of the first real-money gambling developers to try its hand in the social gaming world, and it has turned out to be a successful venture thus far. Double Down's games are still free slots but the application provides a great deal of ad revenue for IGT.

888 Holdings is one of the latest real-money gambling operators to make its way into the social gambling world. The company's new social casino application is called MAGIC888, and it offers players the chance to play online slots and other casino games using the convenient Facebook Games platform. It operates on the same basis as social casino applications like Zynga Elite Slots and Double Down Casino, allowing players to share their progress with friends and level up to unlock bonus content. The only difference is that players can wager actual cash and win genuine jackpot prizes.

The social slots and social casino markets have developed very quickly over time. From free-play poker apps to real-money Facebook casinos, social gambling has seen a great deal of change - and we can expect to see even more innovative developments from social casinos in the future.

Exclusive Casino Bonus

Now, since everything is like the real casinos the online casinos have lot to offer for the bettors as well. There are different bookmakers who offer fixed-odds gambling via internet. Thanks to this, the gamblers can bet on the results of the games. Bet exchange is a relatively newer concept in this field. Here an individual can bet with another person. However, the house takes a small percentage of the commission.

Online casinos are no doubt extremely popular. Now, there are definitely numerous reasons for that. in fact, such is the impact of the online casinos, that even people who have never played the game, has tried their luck online.

First of all there is the question of variety. A person can play the online blackjack, roulette, craps and every other game that are available in the real casinos. Naturally, the casino lovers can enjoy all the games sitting in front of the computer. In fact, this is one great advantage of the online casino. You don't have to even step out of your house to play the game. Also, the chance of winning the money is greater in the online version since the games are played against the house.

The transfer of the money is more or less transparent here in the online version of the game. Normally, the players upload the money to the website and play and bet with the money. After they win the game, they can cash their rewards. If you are a European, you can use your credit or debit card for this purpose. In that, the payment will be made there.

However, the US citizens do not enjoy this advantage because of the legal problems regarding gambling in the United States. Still, there are companies like Moneybookers that offer accounts through which one can gamble. You are likely to get incentives from the casino sites for using this type of alternative method. Also, you can transact the money through check.

The online gambling is absolutely legal in different countries like the United Kingdom and others. In the United States too, the gambling is not prohibited. However, electronic transmission of the information on sport betting is prohibited here. Again, there are certain state laws that prohibit online gambling. Even if it is not prohibited, the casinos must possess the license and the point is that the states are giving them out.

However, along with the increase of the popularity of the online gambling, the rate of the problem gambling has increased drastically.

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Important Characteristics Of Reputable Online Casinos

Identifying a trusted and reputable online casino is a must for everyone. This is most especially true for new players. With the increasing number of casino platforms that grow annually, choosing the best proved to be a difficult task. Everybody offers the best promotions and bonuses. Everybody promises to deliver the greatest odds. Thus, the big question: how does a player examine a good online casino? What factors should he or she consider before participating?

In response to the above-mentioned questions, one of the first things that should be given utmost attention is the legitimacy of its operations. By legitimacy, this pertains to the license obtained by the operator. It is important to note that there are several jurisdictions that issue the license. Isle of Man, for example, is one of the most recognized licensing jurisdictions due to delivering ground-breaking regulations and services in online gambling. In Asia, there is First Cagayan which is considered as the very first gaming jurisdiction in the region.

Via securing a license, an online casino sees to it that all its activities are in accordance with the issuing jurisdiction's regulations and policies.

The software used also speaks of the web casino's credibility. Dependable gambling sites invest in reputable and well-regarded software developer such as Playtech and Micrograming, for example. These two are well-known for creating platforms that are fair and cannot be manipulated. Similarly, they also see to it that their products are used only by those who do not engage into illegal activities. Moreover, this software is known for their high security systems duly designed to protect the player.

Speaking of security, this factor should be also looked at when choosing where to play online. Well-regarded online casinos do not only depend on the software that they use to provide security. They also invest in creating their own security system. Evidently, delivering a secured platform is not cheap. But for those who prioritize the safety of their players, establishing a safe infrastructure would not be a problem. This is despite of the impending expenses that they need to shoulder.

Lastly, if there is anything that will immediately present or showcase the online casino's credibility, it is no less than their website. One should take a careful look at how the site is constructed. Is it user-friendly? Were the images carefully designed? These are the questions that they should try to answer. However, visual appeal alone should not be the sole basis alone. One should also look at its contents. Do they follow the best practices of content publishing? Do they adhere and follow grammar's basic rules? Trustworthy online casinos would always take time to edit their contents because it is their reputation that is at stake.

Through the years, the stigma rendered towards the internet continues to remain. Online casinos are among those industries affected by these. However, those who stand out exert extra effort not only in responding to the needs of their players, but also in ensuring that they are well protected and taken care of.

Different Types Of Players That Use Instant Play In Online Casinos

The moment instant play was introduced; it garnered a legion of supporters. It elevated online casino gaming into a different level. For the first time in history, a new gaming stage was established. But here's the catch, individuals no longer need to download anything. They no longer need to install a program that would occupy too much disk space.

However, the benefits and advantages of no-download casinos were not recognized not until technological innovations have been made. Yes, it was a big disappointment at first. Yet just when everything was about to crumble, the instant play feature has already transformed into a major asset that each and every online casino cannot afford to miss. Players who were once too skeptical about its release were converted into loyal patrons. Their reasons for recognizing this product vary. They are differentiated by their online gaming needs. Due to this, it can be inferred that instant play is most likely to cater to several groups.

First in the line are frequent travellers-individuals who can hardly spend an hour or two in front of their computers because they need to go from one place to another. In this scenario, it cannot be denied that no-download casinos proved to be a potent solution. In the event where they forgot to bring their laptop or other similar device, they can still log-in and play their favorite games in other computers. They do not have to worry about getting a software because as mentioned, there is no need to download and install.

Another group of players that support this platform are those who are wary about having enough space in their personal computers. At times, a gaming software may consume too much space that may slow down the device. If the computer can no longer accommodate and respond to the application, this may also prevent players from enjoying their preferred casino games. Fortunately, scenarios like this are being avoided because of the instant play feature. The only thing that they need to perform is to go online and voila, a casino gaming platform is within their reach.

Players who are also barred by a firewall are also known supporters instant play. Firewalls are usually set-up to prevent the user from accessing sites that could potentially harm the computer. Its use, however, is not limited inside corporate or academic settings. A firewall can be also installed at home. But thanks to instant play, one can still freely gain access to online casinos.

Clearly, although it is true that instant play is catered to players of all kinds, it is evident that still, these players can be further categorized. Again, it is because of their need, demands and present circumstance that made instant play a major hit.

General Poker Tips And Strategy

The biggest mistake for beginner players is playing too many hands and playing too passively. It is important to wait for decent hands and throw away the junk hands. The big pairs such as AA, KK and QQ are by far the most profitable starting hands in poker. It's very important to play them in a way that maximizes your profit because these hands have a very high positive expectation and are rare. Just like other situations in poker where you have the best of it, you want to build up the pot quickly.

In most situations, when you have a big hand you want to build up the pot by taking the lead with betting and raising. However, there are some situations where you may want your opponent to be the aggressor and do the betting for you. You do this when your opponent is super aggressive and they bet and raise frequently with poor holdings. You should play it a bit different if you have a large stack nearing 100bb or more. This is because if you get it all-in on the river with a big stack, you will almost always be beaten by a two-pair hand or better. As the stack and pots get bigger, the better the hand you need to see a showdown. Often even strong hands like two-pairs and sets are no good when a lot of money goes in the pot on later streets. So if someone re-raises you on the turn or river with scary community cards, you may want to think about folding your high pair.

When you play a hand in poker it is important to plan the hand in advance. Why are you playing that hand and how are you going to play it? Too many players just play the hand because they like the look of it. They have succumbed to the "calling reflex" which is the idea that people have a tendency to want to call, even often without thinking about it beforehand. People don't come down to the local casino or play online to just sit there and fold all day. Small pairs and suited connected cards can be very profitable in no-limit hold 'em. Hitting sets and making flushes and straights have the potential to win big pots. They are often quite deceptive, especially straights like double gut shots, which are very hard to see and put people on sometimes.

Aces Poker Strategy - Winning no-limit hold'em poker articles and strategy.

Tricks Of A Casino Blackjack Dealer

Blackjack is beatable. Research reports have proven that it can be beaten. Good basic strategy can narrow the house edge down to about.5% but to perform better you'll need to start using some kind of card counting. There's two main varieties of card counting. First there's the introductory or level one variety of card counting. With this level you simply monitor the ten cards and aces and pay no attention to the other cards. The focus here is to improve your winning percentage while keeping the card counting system as simple as possible. After all, we're not all math geniuses.

The next level is perfect for the dedicated pros who are dedicated enough to invest many, many hours drilling and studying. This level requires some real natural math understanding and a burning enthusiasm for working hard and extended hours. The guidance I'll provide will get you started in the right direction with a decent workable, but far from optimum strategy that any regular Joe-six-pack can learn.

Once you comprehend how counting works, you'll need to get your speed up. That's the most common beginner mistake, in the beginning a new counter sits down inside of a real casino, the speed in the game might get away from him. (the majority of people don't realize exactly how fast the game really goes) Card counting definitely will enhance your odds but there is however another thing you'll need to understand before you'll plunk down your money. Your luck will continue to fluctuate wildly over days, weeks even months. Gambling at a casino really can be tricky business!

It's possible to have big drops which will eat into your bankroll but you'll have to fight off the despair and uncertainty that naturally will occur and remain positive that throughout the end the odds are with you. Many a counter has disappeared mainly because they couldn't handle the psychological stress or because their bankroll wasn't big enough to whether the predictable storms. Penetration is precisely what card counting is all about. If the cut card is put right in the middle of a six deck shoe - go play somewhere else. Most pro card counters will avoid any game in which the cut card doesn't put at the least 75% of the cards in play.

Disguise your abilities. If your bets explode$20upward each and every time the shoe runs down, you'll soon feel some heat. Should you have some good luck, thinking about spreading your action around by moving from property to property nightly. Most casinos mark their shoes so the dealers know just where to set the cut card. But others only provide their dealers with a clearly stated policy. As with everything else else, practices vary and dealers are able to get lazy and move the cut card back on some evenings. These are subtle adjustments that pro card counters bank on - and you will too. After the shuffle and cut view closely as the shoe is loaded. In the event the cut card ends up a minimum of three quarters of the way back, it's blackjack time.

Tourist blackjack players are truly bad. One study learned that one casino's overall net on their blackjack tables ran at precisely 14.7%! And that's having a game which has a natural 3% house edge. That's over eleven percent edge surrendered due solely to poor play! You can expect to be dealt a blackjack once each 21 hands.

Progressive betting doesn't change the house edge in the slightest degree. All it can do is improve the overall volatility of your betting and increase the swings in your fortunes within the short term.

Crizza Reyes
More tricks about being successful at blackjack along with other thoughts on Gambling At A Casino can be found in this new book, located on Amazon.

Casino Supplies

Casino games are increasingly popular additions to a family recreational room or friendly get together, and with the wide variety of casino supplies that are on the market, sometimes there is just too much to choose from. There are a wide variety of casino supplies available to suit every budget, skill level, venue, and event. The casino equipment on the market today are made of low quality / high-quality parts and materials, suitable for personal use all the way up to a professional venue. Generally product made in China tends to be much cheaper than North American made product.

It is now possible to bring high quality casino equipment into the home, and the ability to customize many of the casino supplies sold provides great options for personal use, gifts, or favors at your next special event or corporate function. Customization is a great way to make sure your casino tables match your décor, and customized casino supplies with your corporate logo or monogram add a professional yet personal touch. Many tables and layouts are available for customization, from felt color to wood finish. Customize your casino supplies and equipment with your favorite team's colors, or match it to your pool table in your game room.

The casino suppaly available today are suitable for all levels of play, from personal play to use in professional venues. Poker is one of the most popular casino games, and there are a wide variety of playing surfaces available, from folding tables perfect for portable play to stationary tables made out of the solid and durable materials. There are also poker table tops, perfect for when space is at a premium. The variety of casino supplies available to customize can be a great way to personalize your gaming experience for less than the cost of a custom table - customize table layouts, chips and more. Custom casino supplies are an easy way to spice up poker night!

There is a similarly large range of casino games and equipment for blackjack players and slots enthusiasts. Folding blackjack tables are perfect for quick setup and takedown, and whether you're hosting a game night or a special event, there are a variety of high quality, stationary blackjack tables made from the finest materials. Blackjack table tops make play fast and easy. Don't forget about the customizable casino supplies - custom layouts personalize your gaming experience, as do other blackjack accessories like cut cards, dealing shoes, discard holders and more. Slots is a fun, easy game that gets everyone excited, and slot machines and accessories are among the casino equipment on the market for consumers today. Slot machines generally sit on slot machine cabinet and are accessorized with slot machine coins.

Roulette and craps are now more accessible, with a variety of casino tables designed to bring the games right into your home. Folding craps and roulette tables make your gaming experience mobile, and stationary craps and roulette tables are perfect for casino game rooms. Craps table tops are perfect for smaller venues. Make sure you find the perfect roulette wheel for your roulette table which comes in various sizes. Casino accessories for roulette include markers and balls; casino supplies for craps include dice, on/off pucks, and rattan sticks

Infamous Casino Game Cheats

The MIT Card Counting Team

Playing online casinos is not without its drama. There are several individuals who are more than sure they can somehow beat the system and try to take on the best casinos online. Try as they will many if not all, eventually get caught and subsequently get banned for life.

Going back in time to the more popular brick and mortar casinos, there are some who did in fact beat the casinos for a short period of time, leaving them a place in casino history. One such legendary story came from Las Vegas and the MIT card counting team.

This particular story is truly amazing because beating the odds at any popular casino game, in this case Casinos, takes particular skills, major training and quite a bit of patience. Enter the MIT team, a group of university students who obviously were ambitious and incredibly intelligent. Because of their IQ in math and science, the team developed an incredible talent for card counting.

During the 1980's these university students played Poker and other casino games simply for fun. It wasn't too long after that they decided to explore just how smart they really were by attempting to beat a casino. Finally, a former MIT professor decided to gather a group of students and put them to the test. After carefully weeding out the weaker players, he eventually formed a group of students with the inept ability to count cards. It was then that the training began, the professor taught them discipline and how to utilize verbal and non-verbal cues to beat the casino.

It was during the 1990's where the team was playing at peak performance. They would bet tens of thousands of dollars per hand and the casinos as you well know loved the big spenders. These popular casinos had no clue what the heck was really going on...well, not at this point anyway. Although there is no official count of their winnings, some estimate the team milked the casinos for millions of dollars. Amazingly they would perform their card counting tricks on weekends then return to school on Monday and act like average students.

Believe it or not, it wasn't the casino that caught up with the MIT team, unfortunately they caught up with themselves and eventually it was their enormous egos that would see their demise. The money, free trips and major VIP status went straight to their heads - understandable for a group of kids. Casino security began noticing their mistakes - one in particular was the pattern of friends. The casinos began noticing the team hanging around more often than they should have.

The team was eventually banned from the casinos.

You can watch the fast paced action of their adventures in a movie called "21". It stars Kevin Spacey as the professor and Kate Bosworth as one of the legendary MIT card counting team. For the real team it didn't quite end there. They did try to change their identities and get back to the tables, but casino security got way to smart. Some of the team members are rumored to still be playing today in European online casino. Perhaps this time they learned from their mistakes and are raking in the big bucks.

Are you wondering why no one ended up in jail? Unbelievably what they were doing was not illegal. You see, card counting in your own head is almost impossible to prove. Unless the CIA comes out with mind reading technology and sells it to casinos, card counting will go completely un-noticed for eternity.

Sonia Allende is a frequent writer and avid player of online casinos. She dedicates most of her writing to provide new players or beginner's information on the best casino to play at. She also plays and writes about Poker online - especially Texas Hold'em.

Playing In The Stock Market Casino

As an investment advisor, I'm not supposed to admit that stock investing amounts to gambling. The industry line is that if you invest in good companies or mutual funds, keep a long-term perspective and ignore the dips along the way, everything will turn out fine. For a long time I tried to ignore that little voice in my head that said "something's not right." After all, stocks have outperformed all other asset categories over the last 100 years, the stock market always recovers from crashes, Warren Buffett is a buy-and-hold investor. Most of the conventional wisdom and rules-of-thumb have a sizable element of truth or they never would have become so widely popular and embraced, but something still doesn't seem right.

There is an ugly side of investing that creates that uncomfortable feeling. According to market data put together by Kenneth French at Dartmouth College, large cap stocks have experienced drops of 25% or more about 10 times over the last 85 years. That averages once every 8.5 years, although there are some long stretches where there were no steep drops and other stretches where they came in clusters. If you started investing shortly after a market drop (say, 2002) your investments performed significantly better than if you began your investment life shortly before a drop (2000 for example). The Nikkei-225 index (Japan) is currently down about 75% over the last 22 years, which has ruined the retirement plans of an entire generation. Of course, Japan's problem was an over-heated real estate market, multiple recessions, excessively high debt, and an aging population. That could never happen in the U.S. Finally, it is very difficult to invest like Warren Buffett. Goldman Sachs has never offered me perpetual preferred stock with a 10% yield. I also can't afford to buy a business, install the management, and hold them accountable for superior performance.

The truth is that investing in stocks is a gamble regardless of your timeframe. The best fundamental indicators can be rendered meaningless by hedge funds doing flash trades with super computers or a change in governmental policy that alters the rules of investing (see General Motors). Like any casino, someone has the "edge." In Las Vegas, the edge in every game belongs to the house, which means if you play long enough the house will eventually take your money. With respect to stock investing, you may not actually lose your money, but if you play long enough you will eventually experience a significant down market that will take back a chunk of your wealth. As an average investor, you do not have the edge. Hedge funds can have an edge by front-running stocks with flash trades. Politicians can have an edge by legally using inside information. Warren Buffett can have an edge by taking advantage of deals that are not available to normal people. The average investor is on the other side of these trades and is completely exposed to the whims of the market.

An Example: Covered Call Strategy

To demonstrate what the lack of an edge looks like, let's use a typical Covered Call option strategy, which is becoming very popular as investors look for sources of income and additional yield. A Covered Call strategy involves buying shares of stock and selling Call options to generate additional income. A typical position might look like this:

Buy 100 shares of Apple stock for $450/share

Sell a $475 Covered Call option contract for $9.20/share

In this example, the Covered Call option will expire in 75 days. If Apple stock stays flat for the next 75 days, the investor will pocket $9.20/share for an annualized return of 9.9%. If Apple shares rise above $475 on the option expiration date, the investor keeps the $9.20/share and participates in another $25 of share price appreciation for an annualized return of 36.0%. If Apple shares fall, the sale of the option provides $9.20 of price protection, so the investor would not start losing money until Apple drops lower than $440.80. The argument for this strategy is that selling Calls provides additional income in a flat or rising market, and some amount of downside protection in a falling market. It's the best of both worlds. So why would a casino take the other side of this trade?

Let's consider the risk profile for this Covered Call position. As the stock price rises, the short Call position loses value at an increasing rate until it is falling at the same rate that the stock is rising. As the stock price falls, the value of the short Call gains value, but is capped at $9.20/share (the price collected for the Call when it was sold). The net effect of combining a long stock position and a short Call position is that profit resistance increases when the stock price rises, and protection decreases as the stock price falls. In other words, if the stock price happens to skyrocket you will have limited profit potential, and if the stock price drops sharply you will have almost unlimited loss potential. This is exactly the kind of position the market wants you to have because the edge is clearly on the side of the market.

The Market Maker's Side Of The Trade

The job of a Market Maker is to provide liquidity to the market by accepting buy and sell orders for stocks and options, thus "making a market". A Market Maker must always protect his (or her) account by closely controlling the potential loss. If his account blows up because a stock moves in the wrong direction or an unexpected catastrophic event crashes the market, his job is over. The secret to survival when your career is based on trading stocks and options day in and day out is to tightly limit potential losses and maintain an edge on the market. It's that simple, and it's the same philosophy as any casino in Las Vegas.

A successful Market Maker is not going to have a portfolio full of Covered Call positions with limited upside and unlimited downside, but he may take the other side of the trade. Let's consider what that would look like.

Sell 100 shares of Apple stock for $450/share

Buy a $475 Call option for $9.20/share

The combined position described above is a little better from a probability standpoint. If the short stock position loses value due to the stock price rising, the potential loss is limited by the rising Call option value. If the stock price falls, the short stock position gains value and the option price approaches zero, creating an increasing profit potential. You may recognize that a position with limited risk from rising prices and almost unlimited profit from falling prices is exactly the description of a Put option, and in fact, the opposite of a Covered Call position is a synthetic Put. If you're still following this, you'll realize that a Covered Call is therefore the same as a short Put option, which most people would immediately recognize as being very risky.

There is still a problem with this position that a Market Maker would not like. If he guesses wrong and the stock price moves higher he loses money, even if it's a limited amount. If nothing else, it just doesn't feel good to lose money, so let's improve the position by adding another Call option.

Sell 100 shares of Apple stock for $450/share

Buy two $475 Call options for $9.20/share

With the improved position above, the odds of making money are greatly increased and the market edge has shifted in our direction. If Apple stock crashes, we make a lot of money due to the short stock. If Apple stock soars, the 100 shares of short stock cancels out one of the Calls, but we are still left with a Call option that will make a lot of money. However, if the stock doesn't move, the options will gradually lose time value and we will eventually lose the amount we paid for the options. Therefore, we still don't have the edge, but we also aren't holding the sucker bet of a Covered Call (i.e. short Put). Actually gaining a positive edge requires adjusting the position from time to time in order to capture value in relatively modest price moves in the stock, while maintaining the potential for big gains. This goes beyond the scope of this article.

Improving Your Chances

If you decide to try your luck at Black Jack and the extent of your knowledge is that the objective of the game is to reach 21, the dealer will probably take all of your money in fairly short order. The best way to play Black Jack is to be the dealer. The second best way is to learn the subtleties of the game, memorize the odds for any given combination of cards, and have an enormous capacity to keep track of what cards have been played (i.e. count cards). If you do this well enough, the casino manager will conclude that you have captured an edge and will promptly kick you out.

The best way to invest is to have the clout and wealth of Warren Buffett, or the resources and special privileges of a hedge fund, or become a U.S. Senator. The next best thing for most of us is to learn to recognize when we are giving away "edge". Although most of us do not have the time and resources to invest exactly like a Market Maker, there are techniques we can utilize to avoid handing over a sizable portion of our money to the market on a regular basis.

In a casino, you can't beat the odds forever. The same is true with investing.

Jerry Verseput is Certified Financial Planner and Registered Investment Advisor in Folsom, CA. More information can be found at

Tips For A Roulette Strategy

The scenario is nothing new, you walk into a casino and you look around to see what games are going to be in your favor and which ones you're going to cash in on. Most often you'll be delighted by the lights and sounds that draw most to slot machines. You might want to go forward with the fun of slots, but if you're not looking to play by chance, you will most often want to move forward to roulette. Yes, the game that looks like it would be difficult is actually a lot easier than you'd expect. There are a lot of tips that you can exploit, but there seems to be a few that keep popping up online, and can help anyone go from novice to expert no matter where the table is situated. Remember, there is no way to "cheat" this type of game, as there are cameras everywhere, and you don't want to get thrown out. The tips below are not going to help you cheat or upset the house, but rather figure out the odds to your advantage, moving forward with relative ease.

Betting - The first thing that you need to do is look into betting on outside chances rather than very specific numbers. There are going to be a variety of numbers and colors that you're going to want to put money down on, and you'll want to make sure that you're NOT putting money on specific numbers as it will be harder to hit the big money. Yes, the payout is bigger if you bet on numbers, but you want to keep things safe by going with the outside chances.

Do Not Bet At First - Take your time with deciding when to put your money down. Don't just put chips down upon first standing up at the table, make sure you take your time, watch the numbers come through, look at the others betting, see what's hot and what's not. As much as luck might be involved in gambling, sometimes skill will carry you further down the road. If you find a good player they will most likely be willing to let you in on the winnings, so you will be able to bet alongside them and you both win. Winning is fun when there's more involved, and it will be highlighted easily if you don't bet first, you wait a little.

Walk Away - There is a point where you're winning, and the money is coming in, you will want to keep going, it's natural, but avoid it. Avoid sticking around if you're winning big and your profit rises. Set a limit, and if you lose a few, walk away. This is the biggest tip that you'll want to learn here, because if you don't pay attention, you will end up losing more money than you win.

The above 3 tips will help you lose the nervousness that comes with playing roulette. A good roulette system features the above and then some so make sure you're paying close attention as to what's going on, and you'll make it big. It takes time; don't let yourself lose sight of that.

Want to learn the best roulette strategy? Get the best FREE secrets and tips on how to win at roulette at

Playing Craps According to the Rules

Games of chance are great fun and the game of dice has been played for centuries. Craps is a dice game that has been developed into a major gambling attraction. It is played with 2 dice.

Now to understand Craps and Craps Rules and play the game one has to know a bit about the odds. With 2 dice the minimum score is 2 and the maximum score is 12. However one is more likely to throw a 6,7 or 8 than throw a 2, 3, 11 or 12.

What? I hear you as but consider: There is only combination of dice that enable you to get a 2: throwing two 1s and it is the same with 12. In order to score 12 both sixes must be up. Therefore the odds against throwing a 2 or a 12 are 1/36 or 3.6%, the odds of throwing a 3 or 11 are thus 1&2 or 2&1 thus 2/36 = 7.2%

But 7 on the other hand has greater odds as there are 6 combinations to make 7: 1&6,2&5,3&4, 4&3,5&2,6&1. Therefore 7 is the most likely number to be thrown. 6/36 or 16.7%

The next thing to remember, although it is counter intuitive, is that there is no progression of chances. If there has been 3 throws of the 7 coming up, there is no variation in the chances that the next number will be any different. There is still a 16.7% chance that the next throw will be a 7.

The third thing to remember that with craps everything is played as a round. Each shooter has to throw the dice until they get a 7. Your bet may stay on the table for the entire round.

So let us consider the first round. The bet with the best odds is always the Passline bet. This is the bet that the shooter will either make a 7 (16.7%) or an 11 (7.2%) but will not throw a 2 (3.6%) 3 (7.2%) or 12 (3.6%). If the shooter throws a 7 or 11 you win and are paid out even money, If 2,3 or 11 are thrown then you lose.

Now if a 4 5 6 8 9 or 10 are thrown then your bet is still alive. The number thrown is called a point. The shooter continues to throw until either the point number is thrown again or a 7 comes up. If the point number is thrown again then you win if the 7 comes up first you lose.

There is a possibility of betting against the shooter by betting on Don't Pass. Which means that if the first roll is a 2 or 3 you win and if it is a 7 or 11 you lose. The 12 is declare a tie and the win or lose situation depends on the next roll.

During the point throws a player may bet on a number coming up. This is always valid for one throw only and the odds paid vary according to the chances. Casinos claim no house advantage in these bets.

Craps rules may seem complicated but are simple enough and with the above explanation and knowledge of the odds of any number coming up one may have a lot of fun.

Craps Rules may seem complicated but in fact they are fairly straightforward